Dr Ravikanth Kamlekar
Regional Director
Dr. Ravi Kanth Kamlekar was born in the MahabubNagar. He is presently Regional Director at IGNOU RC Bijapur as (2023 onwards).
After his schooling and Intermediate studies, he graduated in science from Osmania University (1995), and B. Ed. from Kakatiya University (1996). He did his M. Sc.in Organic
Chemistry from Sri Krishna Devaraya University & M.Phil in Chemistry from the University of Hyderabad (2001), and subsequently did the Ph. D. in Chemistry under the supervision of Prof. Musti. J Swamy (University of Hyderabad, Feb 2007). He was awarded JRF (2001) & SRF (2003) by the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, India.
After his Ph.D., he joined Prof. Rhoderick. E. Brown’s research group at the Hormel Institute (University of Minnesota, Austin, MN USA) as a Hormel Fellow (2007-2011). There, his research is focused on elucidating the molecular basis of the decreased transfer activity of Glycolipid transfer proteins containing point mutations in their ligand sites and biophysical studies of sphingolipid binding/transfer proteins. He was part of the research team that discovered new GLTP superfamily members that bind and transfer ceramide-1-phosphate (C1P), i.e. CPTPs [published in Nature 500 (7463), 463-467].
In July 2011, he joined as a Research Scientist at Zydus Research Center, Ahmedabad, India. There he established a Molecular Biophysics lab and developed binding/screening assays for Protein-Small Molecule Interactions, Biosimilars, and Therapeutic Proteins. He was a part of the research team of India’s first Biosimiar of adalimumab (Exemptia), a potent TNF-inhibitor and anti-inflammatory drug.
In 2013, he joined as an Asst. Professor (Sr.) in the Chemistry Dept., School of Advanced Sciences (SAS), VIT Vellore, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2022. Besides Bio-active Membrane Lipid Biophysical Studies, Lipid-Protein Interaction, and Lipid Transfer Proteins, his areas of research interests include Small Molecule Synthesis, Liposome Drug Delivery, and Protein Biochemistry. He has authored/co-authored over 35 research papers, reviews, and book chapters in these areas. He has also contributed a textbook (Engineering Chemistry -I Concepts & Applications).
Dr. Ravi Kanth Kamlekar, M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D.
Regional Director
IGNOU Regional Centre Bijapur,
1st Floor, Plaza II,
Tourism Department Building,
Opposite to Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Stadium,
Indi Road, Vijayapura - 586101
Karnataka, India.
IGNOU (Under Ministry of Education,

